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Visual Signal
Visual Signal
About Visual Signal
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Visual Signal is a signal processing software developed to provide time-frequency analysis solutions in an intuitive way.The design eliminates the complicated ways of writing a program to produce visual process control components, and instead provides a variety of visual process control components to be utilized. This gives users the ability to create a presentation of their own ideas for analysis without the limitation of needing to be able to code it. AnCAD has ensured that the design of Visual Signal is fast,simple, and effective for users in the field of signal analysis and that it provides a simple yet powerful tool for signal analysis and comparisons.

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Enhanced Morlet Demo
The Enhanced Morlet function will perform a Morlet transformation to a     function and include a Gaussian window when the resolution is weaker at     higher frequencies. This demo shows an Enhanced Morlet Transform on a     single-channel data.

Marginal Time/Frequency Demo
Marginal Time/Frequency calculatees the marginal time or marginal     frequency of spectrogram data.

Morlet Demo
The Morlet transform is a Continuous Wavelet Transform that can capture     both the short duration, high frequency and the long duration, low     frequency information simultaneously while employing a window with     variable width. This demo shows different Morlet transforms of many signals     mixed into a single signal.

Short Term Fourier Demo
The Short-term Fourier transform is a Fourier-related transform used to     determine the sinusoidal frequency and phase content of local sections of a     signal as it changes over time. This demo shows different short-term Fourier     transforms of many signals mixed into a single signal.

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