How do I set environment path and compiler linkers for MATFOR in Absoft Fortran Compiler manually?

Please follow the Instruction below:
1. Under Absoft Compiler, go to Tools->Generate Makefile. Makefile.amk should be generated and saved under your project directory
2. Modify the following changes in Makefile.amk and save it:
MOD_INCS = -p : "MATFOR Include folder directory" (For Example,...\include\Absoft)
LPATHS = -path : "MATFOR Lib folder directory" (For Example, ...\lib\Absoft)
LIBS = $(USER_LIBS) mcCore.lib matfor.lib fgl.lib fml.l (Add these files at the end)
3. Execute C:\Absoft90\BIN\absvars.bat under command prompt to complete setting the environment variables for Absoft Compiler.
4. Under command prompt, change to project directory and execute amake. If all goes well, an exe file should be generated.