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If you can’t find the product you want, please check on Intel Compiler website (http://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/intel-compilers/) and mail the product item and full product description (Commercial or Academic / Single or Floating / Quantity/ ESD or BOX) to us <sales@ancad.com>. AnCAD will contact you soon. Thank you so much.

Intel® Parallel Studio XE 2011 for Windows* and Linux*
Includes Intel® Composer XE, Intel® VTune™ Amplifier XE, Intel® Inspector XE
Intel® C++ Studio XE 2011 for Windows and Linux
Includes Intel® C++ Composer XE, Intel® VTune™ Amplifier XE, Intel® Inspector XE
Intel® Parallel Studio 2011 for Windows
Includes Intel® Parallel Advisor, Intel® Parallel Amplifier, Intel® Parallel Composer, Intel® Parallel Inspector
Intel® Cluster Studio 2011 for Windows and Linux
Includes Intel® Composer XE, Intel® Trace Analyzer and Collector, Intel® MPI Library, Intel® MPI Benchmarks
Intel® Parallel Composer 2011
Includes Intel® C++ Compiler, Intel® Parallel Building Blocks, Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives
Intel® C++ Compiler Professional Edition for QNX* Neutrino* RTOS
Includes Intel® C++ Compiler, Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives

Intel® C Compiler for EFI Byte Code

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