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王逸民:史丹佛大學航太博士 / 逸奇科技 總經理
汪中和:中央研究院地球科學所 研究員
馮正一:中興大學水土保持系 副教授
羅孟宗:中央大學數據分析中心 助理研究員
阮炯垚:譜威科技 研發課課長
林裕宏:譜威科技 經理
蘇亦昌:國泰醫院神經外科部 醫師
吳豐泰:逸奇科技 專案經理
曾家彥:逸奇科技 研發工程師
紀雅婷:逸奇科技 研發工程師

課程一. Visual Signal 理論與實務(一)~(三) 逸奇科技 王逸民總經理
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A. Fourier Based Time-Frequency Analysis
1.What is frequency?
2.Why Fourier?
3.Linear Time Invariance System
4.Uncertainty Principle
5.Sampling theory
7.Removal of trend signal
8.Iterative Gaussian Smooth Filter
9.Short-Term Fourier Transform
10.Wavelet Transform (Morlet Transform)
11.Enhanced Morlet Transform
12.Automatic Discontinuity Removal
13.Down-sample technique

B. Hilbert-Huang Transform
1.Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) and Intrinsic Mode Function (IMF)
2.Orthogonality of IMFs
3.(App.) Length Of Day
4.On instantaneous frequency
5.Hilbert Transform
6.Bedrosian theorem and Nuttall Theorem
7.Normalized HHT
8.Intermittency test
9.Ensemble EMD
10.Teager Energy Operator
11.(App.) using EMD to calculate phase difference with its application in腦血流調控

C. Complexity:Multi-Scale Entropy
1.Regularity vs. irregularity
2.Different scale of viewing vs. Entropy
3.Complexity: multi-scale entropy
4.Complexity times Vulnerability >= constant
5.App.: pink noise and white noise
6.App.: Sway analysis
7.App.: Brain wave analysis
8.App. MSE on sound and vibration

D. Independent Component Analysis
1.Cocktail party problem
2.Mathematical formulation
3.Measure of non-gaussianity: kurtosis
4.Ambiguity in ICA
5.Example: separation of eye-blinking signal from EEG
6.Example: Identification of defected part in rotary machine from multi-channel signals of vibration and sound

E. Tool Training:Visual Signal combined with Matlab
1.Loading data (sac, mp3, wav, csv, etc)
2.Text importer (loading none-formatted text data)
3.Network panel
4.Manipulate with graphics (zoom in/out, data viewer, graphic export, copy, pick up data point,etc.)
5.Property setting
6.Report generation
7.Matlab interface
8.Writing Matlab code in Visual Signal
9.FFT, increase frequency resolution of spectrum

課程二. TD1A 與 Visual Signal於訊號量測之應用 逸奇科技 曾家彥工程師
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課程三. 振動量測與生活應用 譜威科技 林裕宏 經理/ 阮炯堯 課長

課程四. 鯉魚潭壩之921地震反應分析 中興大學 馮正一教授
1. 鯉魚潭壩之921地震反應分析
The dynamic response of the Liyutan earth dam to the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake (ML=7.3) in Taiwan was numerically analyzed. Both the horizontal and vertical acceleration time histories recorded at the base of the dam were used in the numerical simulations. The dynamic responses of the dam were analyzed for 50 s in the time domain. The simulated results were in agreement with the monitored data. The transfer function analysis and Hilbert-Huang Transform (HHT) were used to compare the results and to perceive the response characteristics of the dam. In particular, the time-frequency-energy plots of the HHT can reveal the timing and time frame of the dominant frequencies of the dynamic response. The influences of the initial shear modulus and uni-axial earthquake loading were also investigate.
2. 崩塌震動訊號與地震訊號的時頻比較
以88水災崩塌寬頻地震站之訊號為例, 作初步分析與討論。

課程五. 時頻圖之解讀 與HHT,ICA,MSE之應用 逸奇科技 吳豐泰博士
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專題將介紹逸奇科技自行開發之軟體Visual Signal於各種旋轉機件之異常分析檢測。內容將分別介紹高解析時頻分析(TFA)、經驗模態分解(EMD)、獨立成分分析(ICA)、多尺度熵(MSE)等技術運用於主軸、齒輪、軸承等關鍵機件之振動噪音分析,並檢測出主軸之臨界轉速、齒輪之嚙合異音、軸承之裝配不當等問題。

課程六. 地球科學訊號分析之實例 逸奇科技 王逸民總經理

課程七. Multimodal Pressure Flow Analysis: Application of HHT in Cerebral Blood Flow Regulation
中央大學數據分析中心 羅孟宗 博士
1. Present an overview of transfer function analysis (TFA) that is traditionally used to quantify CA.
2. Describe MMPF method and its modifications.
3. Introduce a newly developed automatic algorithm and engineering aspects of the improved MMPF method.
4. Review clinical applications of MMPF and its sensitivity for detection of CA abnormalities in clinical studies.
Using this technique, we recently showed that dynamic CA can be characterized by specific phase delays between the decomposed BP and BFV oscillations, and that the phase shifts are significantly reduced in hypertensive, diabetics and stroke subjects with impaired CA. In addition, the new technique enables reliable assessment of CA using both data collected during clinical test and spontaneous BP/BFV fluctuations during baseline resting conditions.

課程八.現代生醫訊號分析於臨床醫學領域之應用與迷思 國泰醫院 蘇亦昌醫師

透過Visual Signal內的分析方法,讓學員實際使用分析的軟體工具,使學員在最短的時間內,熟悉訊號分析的概念,並針對自己收集的訊號,做出初步的分析結果。
介面設計─說明元件操作視窗 / 視覺化繪圖視窗 / 參數設定視窗等部份
常用功能 ─ 說明Visual Signal內多樣化訊號視覺化控制元件庫,如Channel, Filter, HHT, Math, TFA, Transform 等訊號分析模組.
特殊功能 ─ 說明Visual Signal內特殊功能,如External, Do-matlab等訊號分析模組,大大增加Visual Signal使用之彈性.
訊號擷取 / SVM / DAQ ─ Visual Signal組整合了一般市售的 DAQ 硬體擷取卡,幫助使用者正確及輕鬆將資料抓取各種訊號;例如:振動、噪音、應變以及生醫訊號,包括 Temperature 、EMG 、 ECG 、EOG 、ECG 等等,讓使用者可以擁有虛擬示波器,但卻比示波器擁有更強大的分析功能;SVM模組包含基本的RMS、Peak、Peak to Peak,軸承損傷頻率,階次頻譜,聲音加權等方法,讓一般處理振噪問題的人員,能更容易且更快速的發現問題,進而解決問題!
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